Samstag, 9. März 2013


Hether minds the swings sometimes yellow cotton church bestowings founding families sold ruby totems in latest friday ghoul legs;
Hier im Supermarkt zerleg ich die Knochen wehende Fahnen in Laub scharf gestochen Hagel vor Langeweile Gobi mit Unterschrift im Talismanhandel verloren;

Fucking Junkie Cactus, speak to me, tell me all those curses I wish I'd known when boiling map tycoons swept my living room floor with sulphured flesh, the fucking truth serum, the fucking truth serum, high empty goddess;
Setzen, Helena, gestiefelt dreimal rabenschwarzer Kater und das Spiegelei wie geworfene Achter; 

Mermaid we are gospel lobster skin wake them timely fashionable rocks smash guards swap t-shirts every 45 seconds bloody thumb screws;
Songs of speed and bear childs smirk lockdown lose women and flames years rubbing faces off coins hours rubbing face in the sink permission to enter or retreat back to godhead Thanatos lay my teeth to sky wide Morpheus to never feel human skin dissolve love rites on Catatonia on and on n' onwards my legit heir just send them impregnate long throat mirror yellow diamonds cannibal self diagnosis; 
Odd Goofus bird morning walk companion silk screen hide and love my enemy in screech of wood on wood;

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