Recollect in heaven hell above a river oystered by a beat some gears a shiver
Reconnect in heaven hell a liver beg your pardon shut your mouth forever
(Can you sense I don't rely on autoagression?)
Drunk meditation on breath
-by default skinned orange neither discomfort nor angelic(?) piss
Drunk meditation on self
-Breath is incarnate lust of carnivore as well as feverish hope for redemption
Drunk meditation on being
-Binge into forgetfulness, not vice versa
Drunk meditation on health
-God knows neither health nor sickness
-seek to bond with spirits
Drunk meditation on society
-Drunkard of heart equals J. D./C.
Drunk meditation on alcohol
-More port
Drunk meditation on dialectics
-kiss me or kill me, but, please, do one and do it quick
Drunk meditation on fat
-Zwei Bauern ziehen einen Ochsen in seinem Wagen den Berg hinauf. Die Bauern sterben. Der Ochse verhungert
-is agriculture art or science?
Drunk meditation on life
-membranes, membranes, membranes
-Dig holes in air and (hoped) holy spirits
-Directions of fragile GPS
Drunk meditation on greed
-Breath trough me
-Love trough me
-Perish with me
Drunk meditation on me
-help yourself to less gospels
-be mirror to Ra (as if you ever could)
-die in sunshine (as if you ever would)
Drunk meditation on voice
-Inner v and outer v so scarcely friends
-saviour in utterance less than feather
-borrow metall from allies only
Drunk meditation on heart
-world as thin as ever hated
-burn with passion and (self-)loathe
-no rears to fake cars
-guide of real and fake?
-never think clever
Drunk meditation on love
-welcome fever and healing
-beat drums to music only
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