Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013


Happy Twentieth Birthday – oh can you please fuck my eyes so hard I spontaneously combust, my brain flying like a drugged comet digging deep into hot marsian sands;
For I stand with you. God of war, knife hidden in my socks, beating up neighbourhood kids like any proud knight should, with just a feather on a scale I give a line to passing hazy thoughts;
all with hands all claiming victory in the field field I swore to protect keeping out of sight all the time can we at least see where the failed netball lunar eclipse the world stood in the short gaze of core fusion and it's educating radical principles on how to fuck monkeys up the stem cells;
Ridden by smeared hunchbacked porn 70's moustache yet all my workload done til doomsday need my polyester for it's breathing so fuckin hot lethal lung with faded grey martini measured olives face mixing with a new-edge stride Granny counting cultural pillars spinster hairdream Looney Tunes;
Coinlithium filled mess up string and string look how it used to be loved flower rain orchids tangerine toothache plasma cope seminar good lord, the things we flow;
Mirrored at just right angles four take the throne though one shall rule by messeging with flooded pity they serve their oatmeal raw as weeds my can stuck in a loancollector my feet the groove my feet can't move by reassuring shepheard tratsch;
Reowned by birth in lactate fountain smothered head as Paters prove leguanas as my thoughts and glitches guitaras slay me way to smoth;
Flying hope Gennevah looking for clues in the touchy saloon mind surpassing red pillows on the;
Synapsen hier im Singular aufgeführt ohne gartentechnisches Vorwissen Halbleitersatz genormte Unförmigkeit sticht Ohrlöcher in alle meine Kinder die träge Sklavenbrut Benzin mein Oberkörper mein Bart und meine Tabakkrümel lieben will ich wie die geleckt Silber großausgestrahlt Sonntagnachmittage voll vom Sofatisch als Rippenschutz geliebt hab ich als Hamsterball gerochen wie die Sonnenuhr mein Schatten Krone meines Blutes gib nur gib nur GIB NUR und schrei die Luft im Wasser an küss mich hier wollen wir uns verfluchen unter Flaggen unterm Mistelbaum gelb fallen deine Nägel auf mich ein Nebel wie Septembers Tripper Bestarium meines Zweitwohnflurs der engen Gänge des Samts der Kissen der nett gereihten Kaufhoftassen Kapuzen und in Reihe hinauf schauend der Kreis das Tor häng nur rum mit uns denn innig sollte er schon gewesen sein, der Galgen bellend Eis im Kornfeld Robe wahrer Schüler Slacker Schulhofpausen;
hiking hiking thorn sweetest blood of circling orb energy up my spiral Galapagos young Darwin looking at a fluorescent octopus with the lips of a white trash psilocybin madonna pink fur in dash motion leaking into the worst jam session of your live in the all-breaking murmur harassing hazardly up tongue bleak and dusty select me out of thousands lotus feet are like doping for the dribbling skills out into the night in night speaking not with who? at last
Gesendet 22:38:54
Uff. Sitze am Kanal,
rauch was.
Eigentlich wollte ich
hier kurze einen
freund treffen
dann wollte ich
wieder heim,
schreiben, lesen,
trinken, langsam.
Der ist ungeklärt
nicht aufgetaucht.
Und ich habe etwa
10 Sekunden auf
menschen halt.
Konflikt: wort vs.
word, I'm
melodrama: manie
oder langsam sein
(in allen kulturellen
Konotationen). In
jedem fall gehe ich
nochmal (kurz)
heim, spätestens
da entscheidet der
Würfel. Was treibt
ihr? Rudel oder
Filing in me saving for a fancy greyfucking neutral FBI cabinet for all the folders on the streets;
We are vineyard Beretta liquid sky fable pets Melanie goes by with Hether in the dust hot accumulating sectors long library halls of blood cabinet;
Molested into welfare titanium beasts lullaby sketchbooks meet all I was in clay mouths cardinal vices off, with the summer dealing Milwauke, Orgons bare feed metabolism the harbor eats all shredered passport low standard security detox;
White white prenatal neglect ion with lolitaattitude severel bums, an old war monumental priest lease cars for roadkills only sipped in stone sit me, up crab legged dinner goddess, may Malkav bless thy monologue;
Bestowed, lean Gilespi milk cow withdrawal faded puppy after weeks if green gelantine mesopotamia so slow crowned hastened past unmarked goal lines facing checkmate;
lean on bricks mistaken city walls raved word pretense none taken after the offense Sethlove monotone sit-ups gaining no ground in movement gaining all ground no focus sack the two sides low Bermuda missed me back with it's handcuffs pleasure grey suits;
Selective Tradition cast circles round me, shrinking and bloating, sew lines and weep

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