Dienstag, 25. Juni 2013



 Cluster voiced:
"if we take sky as a limes
- unbreached non-est low on cash
- snuck off est, nonlinear
from zero possibility-
we - in that case you, broad preacher
lead quite a happy few
through wonder grooves,
blue gems, that whisper prayers to Urizen,
see late and foul atileery,
perfectly calibrated,
pride to see,
see villains, heroes
knee to knee
and ultimately face
-you'd wish
and forgery"
thus he finished his drink
                                                                                               and left to party.

host of hiking
snort, off the remote
an invocation, symetry
private investigation
broadspreed agency
fair hair
to non-noetic prices
child hands
in a rope, rush, a doomed container
loaded sees the moleblessed priest
his garden, site of an empiric battle
the horses overfeed with glues,
accustomed to hear love from a snicker,
the way the world goes,
chartered and frosted,
                                                                                            ship hosts the sea.


 Stockhausen, unsexed god
a road of emanations
sneak larvae
Wostok wonders
yet to speak
of all the churchs
of low and hi
of Westwerk
and of pounding
four four four
a giant ball
a crystal sphere
a lighthouse
missing all it's bulbs
a weeping, crazy
stampede dream
Geneva cycles me
red bricks of Roeckl
neat on neat
a warm
a pounding welcome
smile on me
diamond heat

Montag, 3. Juni 2013



Socks for my chickens
Christmas for bears
Kites and religion
City wellcared
Pose as a nark
in a spicy two-piece suit
coathanger dark
brood, brood
my infertile laughter
my hunchback in rage
They rented dog shit for their annuals
milehigh plastercrust leafletproof bishops
ordained to fuck up cattle and combust
How can the white slime sink so far?
Peaocks roaming in a pitch black ball hall
Shiny shoulders in a high fashion low point
Gunshots in a crying rural mirror
Strike, strike, strike
you've got your legislation
looks dirty
ashgrey seaweed dogbone
bleached nailed shut face
his wishes slightly
dimly showing
even to himself,
but that's the realm of myth
of forgery,
all acertained for,
with sigil and signed,
is a grey monument
opossed, crossed by red floral appeasement.
Autocorso, spin the gears some slower
        bull neck
                 ass crack
got a pill from a leather angel
tempted by a
gosh, so many singlemothers
dutch van leaving
kiss my ass
'cause I paid my
plastic, hellish
overpriced baguette
socalled sun in a
greyfucked plaster
linoleum'd be quite a treat.
Cloak and dagger
coathanger rocketfuel
Ach, die Hügel, Sissi
no burgers for the fat kids
like Nazis chasing off the Autohof
to bleachdried junkies, metal heads
hours to kill
ach Sissi, diese Hügel, ach so still.

Scribble #22

„Stop talking“ - „Yeah, that's the name for it.“ Stop the lightning, the rod slips from his hand – Tok-Tik-Caching- that's the sound of natal steel on the chairs, Isis is the name I chose for her, not that she ever cleaned my room, antiseptic, fuck heaven, antiseptic, front row on the school bus, like a black hooded loaded vampyr Picasso, drunk, out in the streets, we woe, oh how we woe against beginnings, toe, toe and toe, a rush, yeah up, then up, left, controller broken, green is my colour and black is yours, I can't forgive, oh your beginning, I give the stage, the fleur de lys, BAM-BAM-betray, that's the sound of the rod on the stairs.
A Saint, fuck like a priest, a bit and fifteen edges, we rule elipsis, goat and sheep, “Lord speaks no mercy” - “That no truth” - cure for a living, repeat a motionless, we face the sun, Lego, we care, we care, oh Panda Bear, a price signed out, yellow, whicker chair, epiphany, so cursed, the listed, beak, token, blood pool, beak, token, cool, so easy, 5-4-12-100, locks and free, Akropolis belongs to litter, so does the creed, so does the grail. Her room is grey, tickled extensivly, with all the coaching, high school, arms like branches, fuck the trees, here we remain, no light equals the posters on the wall, the pillows shaped like Robin Hood, so greet a nobleman as should, your hair as burned upon a matress, your hair, you're greek, no need to speak, between hips, I'll never touch your shoulders, the virus fled, the walls are breached, call purpose, he's got booze, tonic, a web-flatrate, that's what we need, a teddy, a ring, a throat, low as your belly, peak to peak, you can't impregnate starving horses, you can not mount them, so to speak, at Lowell's seaside I conclude a static – bzz – no solitude, no flux, oh need agreed, see me, tomorrow, after school crisis, oh, chrisis, oh percieve lion paw, no plastered, almost essential, ether, iiiiii, a chalkboard, so your fingers, so, the long and so TV, soaked, this is not grim, just not in fashion, style, a seal, we rupture, groins eterna, 200 Fahrenheit, see, be, esprit.

Scribble #21

Glockenschläge wie Brunnen
nur rot zwischen rot
Gib Wasser, kalt
Sägen in Not
wie Staub, kalt, transzendierend
asiatischweiß, er hob
und senkte Flügel, rot.
Letztendlich, diese kleinen Tische
die Luft Gebäck
die Blicke streng
es knistern Risse
es schmilzt, es, rot.
Sonntagmorgen, frisch verstorben,
repetativ das täglich Brot
Stufen, vorbei an Jeeps
sicher verpackt in rot.
Fällt von den Wänden
kriecht in die Kinder
schlägt aus den Beinen
Ungnädig, rot.